Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Discovery Exercise (# 23): Play Week and Catchup

I really enjoyed doing Web 2.0 programme.
It is a learning and fun journey.

I have really learn a lot about the technologies, websites and the wider world.
I discovered things that I never knew.
Like RSS and other bookmarking sites, it is so helpful for me now that I learnt that I save the page I want so that I won't lose them again like I did before.
I am happy to share my knowledge and my experiences throughout this learning journey.
And this is my very first time experiencing learning online.
The exercise I like the most is Flickr mashups and Image Generators.
This allows me to be creative.
I actually make use of these two sites; designed and created some stuff that I post in my own Flickr sites. My friends were impressed and they asked me how to do it. Proudly, I told them I learnt it from this exercise and shared my skills and experiences with them.

In work, my colleagues and me get to share our experience and we talk about web 2.0, this not only helps to expand our knowledge on library stuff and technologies but also enhances our relationships.

I think this programme not only helps me a lot in my learning, I also learn to manage my blog.
I love the libraries' examples provided in the exercises.
It helps me to start thinking how NSL can improve their services to attract more library users.
Also, something I never knew: Libraries are not only about checking in and out books, libraries also keep-to-date of the technologies and websites.

Honestly, I never expect this programme will provide fun exercises like Sandbox wiki, Image Generators and etc. I thought it is going to be all library stuff. That really suprises me!!

I did not regret doing thess exercises even though I have heaps of other work to be done at the same time on the same dateline.
But no regrets!!!
Most importantly, I learnt something!!!


  1. What a wonderful blog Miss Neggs - we can see you have enjoyed your learning journey and well done for fitting it all in with your busy study and personal life. We have enjoyed reading your posts and finding out your perspective on each of the 23 Things you explored. Congratulations on completing this "23 Things" programme.

  2. It's really interesting what everyone has done with their sites. It's obvious and exciting that the exercises have served to increase our knowledge to the point where novices like me are able to enjoy listening to music while writing this comment. It's absolutely amazing, and I've really enjoyed seeing what others have done. Thank you.
